I am so ready for fall. Ready for the cozy sweaters, colorful leaves, and cooler weather. I am also so ready to make (and eat) more soups. I love soup. It’s so warm and comforting. And when you add in some nourishing homemade broth, it’s also an awesome way to thank your body… especially if that soup is a Thai chicken curry soup!
This Thai chicken curry soup is fragrant, delicious, and warming.
Although, I honestly don’t just save it for cooler weather. I love this soup whenever I can get it. It was one of the first things my husband and I made when we were married… meaning it’s pretty fool proof, too. Pair it with some sprouted bread or fried rice and a side of veggies and you are good to go! This Thai Chicken Curry Soup is warming, comforting, delicious, and full of flavor. It's a perfect soup to mix up the regular soup routine.
Thai Chicken Curry Soup
Serve and enjoy!
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Photography by Jennifer Leung Johnson
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