Are you magnesium deficient? Very likely. Despite the fact that more people are hearing about the importance of magnesium, a recent study suggests that only about half of US adults reach the Recommended Daily Allowance (which generally is a “bare minimum” standard). Deficiency in magnesium has been linked to type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, heart disease, asthma, colon cancer, and fibromyalgia… among other things. (Yikes!)
What is Magnesium?
Magnesium is a mineral responsible for over 300 metabolic processes. It’s an anti-inflammatory mineral that offers protection from a host if illnesses and diseases and has been used to remedy problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, respiratory issues, and more.
10 Commons Signs You’re Magnesium Deficient
1. Muscle Cramps
2. High Blood Pressure
3. Fatigue
4. Poor Memory and/or Confusion
5. Restless Leg Syndrome
6. Weakness
7. Delayed Recovery from Exercise
8. Respiratory Issues
9. Sound and/or Light Sensitivity
10. Sleeplessness (tip: take magnesium before bed )
Severe magnesium deficiency can lead to even more troublesome issues like:
- Numbness and tingling
- Muscle contractions and cramps
- Seizures
- Personality changes
- Abnormal heart rhythms
- Coronary spasms
Of course, just because you have these symptoms doesn’t mean it’s all related to magnesium. As always, it’s important to talk to your healthcare practitioner if you have these or any other serious symptoms. But considering that our soil is so deplete from bad farming practices, it’s very common for people to be deficient in magnesium. I know I was.
Easy Ways To Supplement Magnesium Naturally
My first indication that I was magnesium deficient was due to some annoying restless leg action. Oh boy! Just when I wanted to fall asleep my legs would turn on to hyper-drive. Thankfully, I learned about the importance of magnesium not too long after that. At first I tried using a magnesium spray as a way to supplement my diet. It definitely helped, but it was messy and burned my skin.
I already knew that *most* oral magnesium supplements weren’t that great. Most them use cheap magnesium oxide or magnesium citrate, which don’t absorb very well AND can be hard on the stomach.
Thankfully after doing some more digging I found out that there are special forms of magnesium that actually do work well AND are gentle on the stomach. I also discovered that different forms of magnesium help different parts of the body. Some work better for cramps, others for sleep and relaxation, and others still for proper brain function.
At the end of the day I ended up using a blend of the top 4 bioavailable (means “absorbable”) forms of magnesium called Quad-Magnesium™, and I’ve never looked back. It’s also for sale on Amazon for a couple bucks more.
If you’re interested in getting a bit geekier into it, the types of magnesium used are:
- magnesium glycinate chelate
- di-magnesium malate
- magnesium orotate
- and magnesium taurate
During my second pregnancy, I had some MAJOR leg cramps. Upon the recommendation of my amazing midwife I added trace mineral drops (like these) to my daily routine in addition to magnesium. It was incredible what a combination of the magnesium and a few of those drops before bed would do. No more leg cramps. Plus I get to reap all the other benefits of adding the other trace minerals to my body, too.
Want to read more geeky stuff about Magnesium? Here are some additional resources about magnesium deficiency:
Magnesium Factsheet by the National Institutes of Health
Definition of Magnesium Deficiency from
Want to eat healthier, but confused by all the information out there? You’re not alone!
It took me years to figure out this whole “healthy” eating thing, and that’s because the world is full of confusing information. Every “expert” is telling us something different, and it seems our lists of “shoulds” and “should not” eats are changing faster than we can keep up with.
If you’re like me and wish there was a simple, stress-free approach to healthy living then you’re in the right place. My guide Processed Free will help you easily navigate real food no matter where you are on your path to healthier living. Click here to check it out.
Tell me? Do you supplement with Magnesium? Have you noticed a difference?
References: 16-magnesium-deficiency-symptoms-signs-low-levels/
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