Whenever people ask me what the first steps are for switching over to a real foods diet, I almost always think: Get cooking! And maybe that’s partly because I was so terrified of the kitchen until I met my husband (who had a roommate who made cooking fun). Of course, I am still learning, but I have come a long way. I feel pretty comfortable in the kitchen whether I have a recipe or not. But I still love handy tools to make my job easier. And that’s why I’m happy to share these handy cooking conversion charts.
It’s always hard to include every possible need that may come along, but I’ve put together these three charts to help those truly new to the idea of cooking from scratch. These charts, along with some great recipes and handy tips (like how to cut an onion) will hopefully give you some confidence to start bringing “real” to the table.
Feel free to repin these to your Pinterest board, share them with friends, or even print out the printable versions (links below). It’s time to get more people in the kitchen and less people relying on fake food counterfeits.
Basic Cooking Conversion Charts
US Dry & Liquid Volume Measurements:
Download Free Conversion Chart.
Specific Food Conversion Chart & Common Produce Storage Chart:
Download Free Food Chart.
Pan Sizes and Volume Chart:
Download Free Pan Conversion Chart.
Hopefully these will help make your kitchen and cooking experiences even easier. Now, go get some real food on the table!
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