The Best Natural Dessert Recipes – Natural Desserts To Make You Smile

Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie

Healthy chocolate chip cookie? That sounds… um…  iffy. I mean, I’d like to consider myself a cookie guru. I love cookies. Like, I really love cookies.

Super yummy grain-free (and refined sugar-free) birthday cake!

Recipe: Grain Free Birthday Cake

Once upon a time my little girl turned one. I, being the overly-protective-crazy-health-nut-hippie-freaked-out mom that I *sometimes* am, was determined to give my little girl

Black bean brownies... No, really. They are yummy!

Recipe: Black Bean Brownies

Black bean brownies? Wow. That sounds… uh, yummy? Okay, I get it. The first time I made these I had to do it secretly so