Ever since I made the commitment to really research essential oils, I’ve learned there’s a lot of information out there… and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. I’m feeling more confident about using essential oils in my life and so happy with my decision (after a LOT of digging) to use Young Living oils. But I now get a lot of questions from readers and friends who want to know: Does it really matter what essential oils you use?
You better believe it.
Let’s look at just one example to show WHY it matters.
Friends, meet the “Swiss army knife” of essential oils: Lavender. It’s one of the most commonly used oils… and with good reason. Lavender has a lot of uses.
But did you know that Lavender essential oil is one of the most adulterated essential oils on the market? The healing benefits are lost when an oil is adulterated and sometimes can even be dangerous. Any time I make a recommendation for the use of lavender it is always and only for the Young Living brand! Rest assured when you purchase and use Young Living Lavender you are getting 100% pure, therapeutic grade oil.
Look for Lavandula
True Lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia) oil is obtained by steam distillation of the flowers. A burgeoning demand for lavender oil has created supply problems for many essential oil suppliers, and this has led to the widespread presence of adulterated and mislabeled lavender products in the marketplace.
The three types of adulteration most often seen: 1) lavender and lavandin oil spiked with synthetics, 2) lavandin sold as lavender oil and 3) lavender oil stretched with solvents. Lavandin ( L. x intermedia ), also known as Dutch lavender, is a sterile hybrid of L. angustifolia and L. latifolia (spike lavender). Lavandin oil is chemically different from lavender oil and is used in perfumery, crafting and in aromatherapy (although its aromatherapy benefits are different than lavender).
And did you know…
Adulterated or mislabeled essential oils present dangers for consumers:
“One woman purchased from a local health food store when she spilled boiling water on her arm. But the pain intensified and the burn worsened, so she later complained that lavender oil was worthless for healing burns. When her “lavender” oil was analyzed, it was found to be lavandin, the hybrid lavender that is chemically very different from pure Lavandula angustifolia.” – Life Science Essential Oil Pocket References, 5th Ed.
Yikes! Make sure your oils are the real deal. Read labels carefully. And if you’re ready to get started with the only brand I personally use, learn how to save 24% here.
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